Introduction To Transaction Management
Transaction Builder
The Transaction Builder panel within Console is a powerful functionality that helps users to execute transactions at scale, optimise gas handling and speed up execution across diverse actions and automations. It provides a user-friendly interface to bundle multiple transactions, cross-verify key details, and simulate outcomes in an integrated view for multiple transactions.
One-click-to-sign and single sign-approvals for multiple transactions help improve overall efficiency, minimise error, and improve the overall execution timelines.
If you are curious about the diverse automations and use cases that Console helps bundle up and execute at once, check the video below.
Transaction Simulation
Brahma Console has integrated with Tenderly's comprehensive simulation capabilities to empower users to identify and mitigate potential risks before executing transactions. Every transaction parsed through Console’s transaction builder renders an end-to-end analysis of the projected state of the execution with respective hashes and Etherscan details. Transaction outcomes are not only made human readable but also project success rate pre-execution.
Tenderly enhances security, reduces transaction failures, and accelerates overall execution experience within Console.
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