Wallet Connect

What is Wallet Connect?

Wallet Connect is an open protocol that enables secure, wallet-to-dApp connections across multiple platforms. It's widely used within the DeFi ecosystem for its simplicity and broad compatibility. For more information about Wallet Connect and its features, visit their website.

How to Use Wallet Connect with Brahma Console:

  1. Initiate Connection in dApp: When prompted to connect your wallet within the dApp, select the Wallet Connect option. This will generate a unique Wallet Connect code or QR code designed for secure linking.

  2. Copy the Wallet Connect Code Click on open modal, and click on the copy icon to copy the connection code

  3. Paste code in Brahma Console: Open Brahma Console on your desktop and navigate to the top bar “Connect to dApps” in the Home page and select “WalletConnect”.

  4. Enter Wallet Connect Code: Paste the code into the designated field in Brahma Console.

  5. Establish Connection: After entering the Wallet Connect code, submit it to initiate the connection process. Brahma Console will communicate with the dApp to establish a secure link.

  6. Interact with dApp: Once connected, the dApp's interface will be accessible within the Brahma Console. You can now navigate the dApp and execute transactions.

  7. Transaction Confirmation: For every transaction you initiate within the dApp, a confirmation prompt will appear on Console. Review the transaction details and confirm them to proceed with execution.

Using Wallet Connect with Brahma Console offers a straightforward way to engage with a broad range of dApps while maintaining the security of your transactions. For a step-by-step visual guide, please watch the accompanying video tutorial at the top of this page.

Last updated