Console Mobile UX

Console mobile PWA for signing transactions on the go!

Welcome to Console on Mobile!

With the new Progressive Web App (PWA) feature, you can easily countersign transactions using your mobile wallet, such as MetaMask or connect via WalletConnect. This is Console’s pilot step in enhancing your overall experience by allowing you to seamlessly manage your transactions on the go.

How to Add PWA on Mobile?

To install the Console app on your mobile device, follow these simple steps:

  1. Open your Safari/Chrome/Default browser and navigate to

  2. Tap the Share icon/Three-dots in the browser menu.

  3. Choose "Add to Home Screen" from the options.

  1. Open the Console app from your Home Screen and proceed to login as usual.

  2. Make sure to enable notifications to receive signing requests and other updates.

Note: Ensure one of the Console multi-sig owners is added to a mobile wallet like Metamask/via WalletConnect wallets, for a seamless signing experience.

Key Features

  • Receive notifications for transactions requiring multi-signature.

  • Review, simulate, and sign transactions directly from your mobile device without the need to disconnect and reconnect your wallet on the Console web UI.

  • Tailored for active Console users, the Mobile UX will assist especially those managing multi-signature transactions and needing on-the-go signing/countersigning capabilities.


  1. Which wallets is Console Mobile compatible with?

You can install Console on Mobile and sign via any WalletConnect compatible wallets, the primary ones being Metamask and Rainbow.

  1. Is Console PWA compatible on both iOS and Android?

Yes. However, with iOS, only Safari supports PWA.

  1. What actions can I perform on the Brahma Console V1 app?

Receive notifications for transactions needing a second signature, and seamlessly sign from your mobile device without disconnecting from Console. This mobile feature caters to active users, especially those managing multi-signature transactions, providing on-the-go signing capabilities.

  1. How will I receive mobile signing prompts on the mobile PWA?

Make sure to enable notifications on your Brahma Console mobile app to receive notifications seamlessly. You will be prompted to do so, once the app is installed and launched.

You may alternatively enable notifications via the Activity Centre, in-app, per account.

  1. What are some incoming planned features?

This is Console Mobile’s V1 version with future updates planned to include enhanced features such as asset and position viewing, as well as a full passkey implementation for a seamless signature experience, additional wallet support and more!

Last updated